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Dreaming in the New Era, Enriching Youth with Splendor-- The Grand Opening of 7th International Culture Festival of GCC

On the morning of November 30th, the opening ceremony of the 7th International Culture Festival was held in the first lecture hall of the fourth teaching building. With the theme of “Dreaming in the New Era, Enriching Youth with Splendor”, the International Culture Festival aims to build a platform for multicultural communication, create a strong atmosphere for internationalization, and showcase the customs and local conditions of various countries around the world through different activities. Teachers and students are encouraged to actively participate in more international exchanges with an international vision through such practical events.

Participants of the ceremony were leaders and guests from partner institutions and organizations such as Southern New Hampshire University, University of Adelaide, Curtin University Singapore, Coventry University, WISH Education Group, Northeastern University, AUCA Overseas Colleges and Universities in China, and IDP Education Group. President Ma Weilan, Secretary of Party Committee Tang Mingyong, Vice President Guo Hang, heads of relevant functional departments of the university, leaders of secondary colleges as well as representatives of teachers and students, totaling more than 200 people, also attended the opening ceremony. The ceremony was hosted by Guo Hang.

At the opening ceremony, the participants watched videos about the previous International Cultural Festival and received wishes from overseas partner institutions and overseas students.

After the opening ceremony, the leaders and guests walked to the ground-floor platform of the eighth and ninth teaching buildings to participate in the education exhibition. In this exhibition, GCC made full use of high-quality resources inside and outside the university, and invited more than 50 famous overseas colleges and universities from Australia, South Korea, Canada, Malaysia, the United States, Switzerland, Thailand, Singapore, New Zealand, Italy, and the United Kingdom to participate in the exhibition, bringing the latest introduction of majors and relevant information about further education to teachers and students. In such ways, teachers and students can have a face-to-face communication with the admissions officers of the world-famous colleges and universities on campus and have more profound understanding of the talent assessment in overseas universities, so as to have a clearer understanding of further education in the future.


Opening Ceremony


Guests and Leaders at the Education Exhibition


Education Exhibition


Group Photo at the Education Exhibition